Sunday, May 3, 2020

The return of the Original maps AKA Origin maps

The two maps that got split into two parts are Barlowesquare and Montclair. To tell you the truth I don't like the new changes at all...

Instead of the dynamic spawns, different escape routes and objectives in Barlowesquare it got butchered into a linear one with only one escape route. The endless zombie spawn at the bank is just annoying and one of the most thing I hate in any game.

Same goes to Montclair where the dev just put a bunch of ammo at the end of the first part which breaks the immersion since Contagion is all about being realistic and scavenging stuff to survive.

Luckily I got permission to use the original maps so I modified them to a separate entity and replaced the bodybags model with an improved version! It has been already released for quite a while ago... I just didn't have the time to announce it here so sry about that :S

If you get crashes by loading one of the origin maps I would urge you to change your shader settings to middle or lower and try it again. I hope you enjoy the changes :)

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